Our approach
At Mystical Alchemy Medicine, we combine state-of-the-art Energy Medicine Techniques to help you feel better in mind, body and spirit.
Using various Sound Healing instruments & Shamanic Energy Medicine practices, together we will bring you back into a state of optimized wholeness.
In-person and remote options
Our office is conveniently located in Providence, Rhode Island. Can’t make it in person? No worries – we’ve got you covered with distance sessions.
The Earth’s electromagnetic pulse (on average) is 7.83 hz, a frequency known as the Schumann Resonance. Earth’s heartbeat frequency also correlates to the cusp of our Theta & Alpha brain wave states.
When we are in Alpha (which is 8-12hz), we are feeling calm and relaxed, not too overly focused. But below that is an even deeper experience of ourselves & the world around us called Theta. The theta brainwave state often happens just before falling asleep or in deeper states of meditation and relaxation; profound states of consciousness come from this place. Below this is Delta (our sleep state) but below that is the slowest brainwave oscillation of all, known as Epsilon. In the Epsilon brainwave frequency extraordinary states of consciousness are accessed, including a pure awareness of the nature of being, the deepest levels of insight and the regenerative peace & bliss of spiritual emptiness. In fact, when in these super slow brainwave states the brain produces effects similar to hyper-gamma brainwaves and the even faster (over 100 hz) oscillations of lambda brainwaves.
It has been said that the super-fast patterns appear to be riding on the super-slow epsilon modulation. In epsilon, we find the wisdom of the yogi’s of India, who taught that “in sitting still we overtake those who are running.” *
(*from Alana Fairchild’s White Light Oracle)
Using different frequencies from tuning forks, Crystal and Himalayan bowls, various forms of percussion, chimes, and other profoundly soothing & uplifting instrumental sounds, we will entrain the body & mind into these more relaxed expressions, simultaneously introducing many higher frequencies & vibrations into the field.
It is from these deeply relaxed states of awareness that we can achieve profound healing of our body, mind & spirit.
Added bonus: My treatment table has a heated, far infrared (& red light/photon therapy) PEMF (Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Frequency) mat on it, set to the electromagnetic frequency of the Earth. This mat also contains natural gemstones embedded within it (jade, amethyst, & tourmaline) which simultaneously give off the healing effect of negative ions. All of this creates a very deeply relaxing & healing experience in addition to the treatment itself.
Come unwind & relax fully, to dive deep inside yourself.

Let’s get started unleashing your fullest potential today!
All photos & text by Ceciley Alexander Slocum ©️ 2023