Biofield Tuning: A Sound Approach To Health & Healing
** Read on to find out a lot more about Biofield Tuning treatments, or just scroll down to the bottom of this page for all the logistical session details! ;)
Why you want to experience a Certified Biofield Tuning session. . .
We are meant to be healthy, empowered, creative, & loving individuals. We are each unique & talented in our own way! But it is a matter of getting the false beliefs & bad programming (stored energetically as discordant frequencies) out of our overall system so we can live our lives in the ways we truly want. The good news is, the vibrational & sound frequency abilities of Biofield Tuning can help us to do just that!
When we consider health from an electric perspective, we see the importance of the electrical energy in our bodies, hearts, and minds, flowing freely. Deeply held patterns of resistance block this flow and create inflammation, discomfort, sickness, and most often a feeling of stuckness with an inability to achieve good results in different aspects of our lives. Often we block the flow of our life energy subconsciously because we don’t feel worthy of the love, curiosity, and greatness that is our inherent birthright. In the process, we shut down our health & vitality, even our ability to think, feel, create, manifest, and emotionally relate to others in optimal ways.
The beautiful thing is, Biofield Tuning sessions are scientifically capable of helping us release our deep subconscious and habitual patterns—> all the things (known and unknown) which stop us from accessing our full potential and zest for life!
By clearing, harmonizing, & bringing the electrical energy that is stuck in our Biofields* back into our body, we can actually live in the present moment! We stop dragging around yesterday & are free to actually “Be Here Now.” We also raise our overall energetic “battery meter” in the process, empowering us to have more vibrant health, clarity, & ultimately a greater sense of connection to ourself & others. By moving this energy from outside ourselves to inside, we get to feel more regenerated, alive & free, but also more grounded & rooted in ourselves at the same time. We’re coherent.
*Our Biofield is our Aura or the Energetic field surrounding our physical body. Think of it like your personal energetic signature as unique as your own thumbprint. But it is also not static, rather, it is quite dynamic. Like a giant subtle body supercomputer, they are discovering your field is like our extended brain, filled with storage compartments containing our memories and habitual patterning on an imperceptible (to the naked eye) level!
They are now studying our Biofield (also known as our Body-Field) in all types of ways & on devices in labs, and learning so much more than was previously understood or accepted. When I’m working in someone’s field during a treatment, I’ve literally come to experience it as being in the energetic supercomputer or subtle body of the person’s mind & matrix/blueprint.
Within it are downloaded & downloable files we can open (look at as needed), delete, drag & drop, & upgrade for a healthier system. It’s wild and incredible stuff! The future is exciting, with a lot more potential within us which we are now learning to access through a much deeper understanding of the Science of Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Epigenetics.
What Exactly Is Biofield Tuning?
Biofield Tuning is a Sound and Vibrational Frequency modality of Energy medicine which uses medical grade tuning forks on & around the physical body to clear energetic blockages throughout our entire system. As tools, the tuning forks are diagnostic as well as therapeutic. Through the sound of the forks’ acoustic biofeedback, we hear where we are out of harmony, while at the same time, the tones & frequencies are working at smoothing out & entraining our bodies energetic blueprint back into better alignment. Through both receiving & doing this work, I have found this modality’s ability to recalibrate our field (while quieting down the nervous system & letting our bodies and minds go into a deep state of rest and repair in the process) to be unparalleled.
Originally as a massage therapist, and soon after as a practitioner & researcher on the effects of sound & vibrational frequency, Eileen McKusick developed this innovative system of Biofield Tuning. With over 25 years of experiential learning, while continuing to pursue scientific research into the human energy field, Eileen found that there are actually specific ways to use weighted & unweighted tuning forks on & around the physical body to effect change on our cellular & energetic being. She was very excited and surprised to find that moving different frequency forks through people’s energetic fields (almost like a magnetic wand) actually released stuck areas in their lives!
Working from the outer edges of the biofield (in someone’s birth story) & moving towards the body (through their entire life’s timeline) then placing this gathered energy into the client’s chakras as they lay on the table in present day, she (and now myself as well) found you can actually help transform things for the better in people’s lives.
Like a needle on a record, the forks move through our historical timeline of events (moving from furthest out from the body to closest in) while playing back to us our lived experiences & where we are out of sync. The sound (& feeling) of the tuning forks actually show us where we have lost our energetic coherence, due to certain events, relationships, or general stresses in our lives. Over & over, Eileen found certain themes presenting in specific parts of everyone’s energetic field, which inevitably led her to creating the biofield anatomy map (depicted above) as a jumping off point.
While each person has a very unique life history, and therefore, a very unique energetic story, there are also common places in our energetic fields where the nature of those patterns and emotions will present. Sometimes immediately, or over time, your personal stuck patterns & blockages can actually be released through this work, as so many sessions & thousands of clients have shown.
In the Biofield tuning modality, the ‘map of the biofield’ is a guide for understanding how to work with this complex yet also simple system. Listening to the tonal feedback of the tuning forks— & moving them through your auric field in specific ways— we are able to systematically work through any blockages that are discovered.
The deliberate pulsation of the forks (and other sound & vibrational instruments I use) act like a metronome recalibrating the system, eventually clearing away the layers of static encountered in a client’s built up “pain body.”
In life we can get off kilter from so many things: relationship traumas, our lifestyle, harmful cultural or religious beliefs, life experiences which deplete or overwhelm us, guilt, shame, damaging negative self talk, basically any of of our various unprocessed, repressed or stuck emotions and experiences. This “stuck energy” we are harmonizing & moving back into flow, is scientifically considered to be imperceptible scattered photons of light (our life-force energy) comprised of bits of ourselves lost to any kind of upset, depletion, confusion, fear, pain, or general overwhelm experienced throughout our lives... Once these discordant light particle/wave forms are re-harmonized (a.k.a “tuned”) & brought back to the body to be dropped into the chakras, our energy can start flowing properly in the present day, utilized fully for our highest health & vitality: mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually.
In terms of addressing people’s past traumas & mental/emotional upset, tuning a person’s energetic Biofield is incredibly effective & exciting work! I have also found that forgotten or simply unrecognized gifts often return to clients during a session. Whether it be through remembrances of themselves from other chapters in their lives, consciously processing things they have thought or felt but never acted upon, or through further understanding and integrating the strengths inherited from their Ancestral lineages. Essentially, Biofield tuning is capable of bringing us all back into a much deeper state of harmony, closer to our own healthiest blueprint.
What brought me to Biofield Tuning (& has now made it a main focus of my practice) is that the work itself is profound & dovetails incredibly well with the Shamanic work I was already doing. I began experimenting with tuning forks during Shamanic & Reiki sessions, both using their vibration on the body, as well as, their sound frequency in the field. While the benefits of adding the forks to these sessions was similar to after an in-depth Shamanic or Reiki session (feeling lighter, brighter, more relaxed or more energized) there seemed to be a heightened effectiveness & amplified reaction to the energy work. The tuning forks & all the vibrational sound wave frequencies were really enhancing my other types of sessions! This led me to discovering Eileen’s incredible work & her informative book: “Tuning the Human Biofield.” Her explanation of this work through interviews & in her books (with scientific explanations & connections presented) filled in the gaps & truly deepened my understanding of all of the work I was already doing… I was very excited to learn more!
In our Biofield tuning sessions we will set an intention for your treatment, then use a pendulum to discover the various blockages needing to get resolved around your chosen topic(s). These may be patterns & issues presenting for a long or short time. Crystals will also be used. Crystals always assist in clearing and harmonizing, but in Biofield Tuning they also amplify the power and coherence of the forks. During your session we will go to work using the various tones & vibrational frequencies of the tuning forks (as well as Crystal & Himalayan sound bowls & many other instruments that may be needed where guided). The results are quite astounding, immediate, & always fascinating! Shifts are experienced towards greater well-being through both the deeply relaxing harmonic tones and frequencies, as well as, through the process of recognizing & digesting our own unique life experiences (a common occurence during and after the treatment).
While the system of Biofield Tuning doesn’t typically get into past lives, it does address your birthstory & gestation, as well as, the ancestral lineage of your family, on both the father & mother’s sides. As is discussed in the more recent discoveries of Epigenetics, working this deeply, effectively, & systematically in the energetic behavioral codes of your being, causes profoundly positive & enlivening effects for yourself, as well as, positive ripple effects into the lives of your family & ancestral lineage as well. This is what makes doing this work extra special! The impacts can be profound.
I always finish the targeted psychological/emotional/spiritual work we do together during the session, with calming integration time: featuring Crystal singing bowls, Himalayan Bowls, handheld xylophone (sounds like angels playing the harp!), gongs, koshi chimes, handpan, monochord, or various other meditative, lyrical instruments & tones.
From my ongoing experience tuning the Human Biofield of so many different clients, I’ve seen first hand how it can facilitate massive & uplifting shifts in shorter amounts of time & often in more profound ways than most people have come to expect in their healing. These changes continue to ripple out into people’s day to day lives and the feedback I get on people’s different results is incredible. Biofield Tuning is a truly cutting edge therapy in an exciting new frontier of Sound & Vibrational medicine.
Initial Biofield Tuning sessions w/longer intake &/or for more in-depth sessions:
90 mins ($215)
Future sessions can be 60 mins if desired: ($185)
By literally moving & changing the energy behind the re-occurring patterns, relationship problems, physical health issues, or any dysfunctional themes in your life, you can often save yourself years in talk therapy or doctor’s visits…
For this reason, Sound Therapy & Biofield Tuning specifically, is becoming a very useful and exciting tool in many people’s wellness arsenal!
The results are cumulative, and usually longer lasting. Soon you find yourself reaching for and achieving more and more of your life goals.
Biofield Tuning treatments go deep, and can move things along rather quickly in most cases! but like anything, there is some basic commitment involved.
Wellness Packages
In addition to pay as you go, I offer packages for series of 3, 5, & 10 Sessions. There is no immediate time limit on when you can use them. Because they are bundled, you get each session at a discount. If you know you are committing to this work, these can be a good option! Click ‘online store’ button below to find out more about these wellness packages.
** Biofield Tuning sessions are meant to be done in a series to get the most impact **
You can get a lot out of and really enjoy just one treatment, but for more complete systemic shifts & to really move the needle in various areas of your life, a series of 3 (minimum) is recommended. We are working deeply, rewiring & transforming long standing, truly fundamental subconscious/inherited patterns in your energetic system. Working together, we will support & address your desired personal progress ~ whatever that looks like! We can assess your goals & see what is the best treatment plan for you going forward.
Come see what the tuning forks & other harmonic toning instruments can do for you!
—> Please note: We are working in your electrical energy field, so being well hydrated before, during, & after a tuning fork treatment is especially important.
Hydration makes it easier for your body to integrate the work & lessens detox symptoms. Drinking extra water after a session is highly encouraged!
Taking Salt baths can also be helpful to further integrate the work.
General Contraindications for receiving Biofield Tuning :
A pacemaker, pregnancy, terminal illness or end of life, recent concussions (must wait 3-6 months), or active cancer.
More than anything, it is the strength of the forks’ energetic adjustments to the client’s bio-field which can create too strong of a detox for most people with these physical conditions.
*** Personal distance tuning sessions are also possible & available over the phone! They are effective & enjoyable, just different. Much research & thousands of testimonials later continue to prove that Biofield Tuning sessions are very effective, in person or at a distance! At a distance we simply work with your holographic field ***
Since many people travel or live too far away to be able to come in person for a session, Biofield Tuning Practitioners give & receive sessions over the phone with colleagues & clients all of the time (myself included). Since the pandemic, personal distance sessions became even more important. Price is slightly less than for in-person treatments and only offered for 60 mins (unless there is reason for longer, which can be arranged.)
First we connect by phone at the time of the appointment & check in, then you simply relax comfortably lying down at home (or wherever you may be), with our phones on speaker while we conduct the session.
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Let’s get started today unleashing your radiant brilliance & fullest human potential!
All photos & text by Ceciley Alexander Slocum ©️ 2023