What is Shamanic Energy Medicine?
Hiking with the Q’ero Shamans high up in the Andes Mountains
Article below written by: Dr. Alberto Villoldo
For millennia the indigenous Wisdom Keepers, the medicine men and women of the Americas (in fact, of the world), developed methodologies for healing that were based on upgrading the quality of the luminous energy field (LEF). Also known as a halo or aura, this energy matrix surrounds all living beings and organizes the body the same way that iron filings are organized by a magnet on a piece of glass. The L.E.F. contains information about our genetic histories, the illnesses and psychological dramas that run in our families, and determines how we will heal, age, and even how we will die. This information is encoded in the form of imprints that are stored in the field. When we don’t upgrade the quality of the LEF, we end up living out the same dramas that our parents and grandparents experienced; the successes and the failures, the lost loves and the hurt. We end up repeating them all. We also repeat the genetic histories of our ancestors – living with and dying of the same conditions they suffered throughout their lives.
When we upgrade the quality of our LEF (Luminous Energy Field) by clearing the imprints of trauma and disease, we create the energetic conditions for health – and disease goes away. This is the foundation of Shamanic Energy Medicine: To create and maintain extraordinary health, so that our health-span equals our lifespan.
Cutting-edge neuroscience is now confirming what Shamans have known all along. Thanks to neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to organize itself into higher order neuro-circuitry, we can create psychosomatic health. Biology is telling us about epigenetics – our ability to modify our genetic expression through what we eat, drink, and breathe; through the thoughts we have, and the love that we experience in our lives. In fact, only 10 percent of our health or illness is influenced by our genes. The other 90 percent is a result of our lifestyle … and of our dreams. I like to tell people that we are our dreams and not our genes. If we don’t upgrade our luminous energy field, if we don’t come up with new dreams to carry us forth in life, we will keep replaying and repeating the nightmare that we inherited through genetics. Shamans know that we can modify our genetics through our energy field. That it is possible to access password protected areas that switch on the genes that create health.
At the core of Shamanic Energy Medicine is how we modify our genetic expression in order to create health. Even beyond that, we can take a quantum leap to create a new human – which I like to call 'homo luminous' – that is not subject to the suffering and the illnesses that have long plagued humanity, and that continue to plague us today. Through shamanic energy medicine we can create a new human, one that ages and dies and heals, courageously and brilliantly.
(reposted from my original website: March 1, 2018)
Dr. Alberto Villoldo, On Our Way to the Sacred Mountain of Ausangate; High up in the Andes Mountains, Summer 2016